A total of 283 Army personnel lead by the Brigadier Thinley Dorji and few officers have volunteered to help us in the dismantling of old walls in the 2nd courtyard(Dukhang and Drasha ), segregation of reusable boulder from the dismantled wall, and stacking of timber at Samthang timber yard. RBA, Tencholing have been always volunteering and helping us, whenever we require their service.

The Project Management would like to thank the MTC, Royal Bhutan Army, Tencholing, Wangdue Phodrang, for always being positive to our request whenever we need their help.  They all did a great job today. Without their helping hand we would have taken months to complete the amount of work that they have done today.

Meanwhile Ugen Trading House served lunch to more than 680 people which includes the people working in the Dzong Reconstruction Project and to the army personnel, who have volunteered to help the project to carry out the above mentioned works. The CEO of Ugen Trading House, Ugen Auto and Ugen Earth Mover, Dasho Ugen Jamyang Norbu has been sponsoring one day lunch to the people working in the project every month. The management would like to thank him for his generous contribution.