Project Updates

Notice Inviting Tender for the supply of wood working accessories

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Voluntary Labour Contribution Led by H. E The Minister for MoLHR

  His Excellency the Minister for MoLHR led more than 300 volunteers comprising of 70 officials of the Secretariat of MoLHR, instructors and trainees of Khuruthang and Samthang Technical Training Institute to contribute labour in the construction of Wangduephodrang Dzong. The event was organized to commemorate the 60th birth anniversary of His Majesty the 4th […]

News updates

  On the auspicious day of 17th of 7th month of the Bhutanese calendar, coinciding with 31st August 2015, Gomang Rabsay and Kachens for the Sethri Lhakhang, top floor of Kuenrey, has been erected. The erection ceremony was conducted by Lopen Lhatu, Principal of Wangdue Rada Lopdra. With this, 80% of the Kuenrey and Sethri […]

Notice Inviting Quotation (Serto)

Wangduephodrang Dzong Reconstruction Project is pleased to invite interested bidders for the supply of Serto. The tender document for the same can be downloaded from here or purchased from the Project Office during office hours.

Auction Notice

Auction Notice

Notification for Bidders

This is for the notification of the bidders who are bidding for the catering of foods, tea and snacks that the required bid security (EMD) is Nu. 20,000/- (Ngultrum Twenty Thousand only) which was mistakenly written as Ngultrum Fifty Thousand in words. The interested bidders are asked to furnish an bid security (EMD) of Nu. […]


On 13th May 2015, Lopen Chimi, Kuenrey Konyer  of Punakha Dratshang granted Tokha along with Juice, Doma and Langyepof Nu.30 to more than 400 workers of Wangduephodrang Dzong Reconstruction Project. We would like to thank Lopen Chimi and wish him success in his quest for Dharma.


On the 16th of the 9th month of the Bhutanese calendar corresponding to 7th November 2014, the first Tokha for the workers in Wangdue Dzong Reconstruction Project was granted by Wangdue Rabdey. Since then devotees from all across the country and also from outside have been granting Tokha. The Project Management on behalf of all […]